You might not think about water pressure every day, but you certainly miss it when it’s gone.Plumbing services can ensure great water pressure from your shower

Water pressure is the force which keeps the sink, shower, garden hose and toilet flowing strongly. It’s the reason you can take a long, relaxing shower and blast food off the dishes in the kitchen sink. Without adequate water pressure, a powerful stream reduces to an inadequate dribble – and we all know just how useless a weak stream of water can be. Sometimes, the total opposite is causing the problem: alarmingly strong pressure can make the sink or shower unusable.

Water pressure isn’t exactly an easy problem to diagnose. Some issues may be more basic, while others may call for extensive plumbing services. If you’re experiencing inconsistent or low water pressure, what could be causing the issue, and why should you call a plumber instead of tackling the problem yourself?

What causes water pressure problems?

  • There’s a gross buildup of minerals and debris in your pipes. It’s not only water that runs through the pipes: lime, algae and other gunk comes along with it. This debris builds up in the pipe’s filters over time, forming a clog that impacts your water pressure. Older homes are particularly susceptible; rust from the iron pipes can build up and choke the flow of water.
  • That same debris clogged the spout. Have you seen those vinegar cleaning hacks popping up all over Pinterest and Facebook? People give that a try when calcium and other junk bunches up at the shower head or spigot. Instead of the debris clogging the pipes themselves, the minerals form deposits right at the exit point – but the effect is just as annoying as a buildup within the pipes.
  • You may have a leak. Pipes need to be airtight and leak-proof to maintain proper water pressure. Even a small drip can cause water pressure to tank. Without regular plumbing services, joints and other vulnerable parts of your piping can loosen up, allowing these leaks to creep up and wreak havoc on your water pressure.
  • Your pressure regulator broke. The pressure regulator is a valve that reduces pressure as water enters your home. Without it, water could come bursting uncontrollably out of the sink or shower. While super-strong water pressure may sound nice, it could cause significant plumbing issues over time – and it could even be dangerous, especially when there’s hot water involved.

When are plumbing services necessary?

We totally understand the urge to try to fix a water pressure problem yourself. After all, water pressure is essential for completing daily chores and tasks in your home. But not every problem can – or should – be fixed without a licensed and insured plumber. Plumbing services are strongly recommended whenever any kind of tinkering is involved.

A vinegar soak doesn’t exactly clear up all water pressure issues. Diagnosing and adequately addressing water pressure problems might involve replacing parts, shutting off water and emptying out smelly stagnant water in the process – all components that could cause a flood if not done properly. There’s even a risk of injury and potential to worsen the problem when a professional isn’t involved, causing an undue headache for your family, your plumber and your wallet.

Avoid causing a plumbing disaster. Even if you’re sure you could fix the problem yourself, it’s best to call for licensed and insured plumbing services to correct water pressure problems — without incident! — the first time around.

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